The key to understanding romanian women


   Romanians have three themes in their culture which has influenced the individuals living there: spiritual depth, historical past and economic hardship.

     Spiritual depth
   Most romanians do not use their faith to ‘show up’. They believe because they believe and feel that in this life, there is more than just material goods and and hyper consumption. Their ideal prince is not only their champion in the traditional sense but has a real spiritual connection, their other half. Someone they can have a church wedding with. Someone who will raise their children in the faith. Someone who when times are hard will unite in prayer with the. They are not looking for good times and stupid egoistical western guys. Romanian women are looking for real.

     Greatness in their historical past
   Romanians are the last remnants of the Great Roman empire. Even closer genetically then modern day italians. The romanians are the last of the ancient romans. Further, Romania is a full EU country. Almost every EU citizen can work and live anywhere in Europe from Bucharest, Romania to the UK. The country had a lot of interesting history and it has beautiful landscapes with some of the best rock climbing and beaches in Europe. So if you think you are so cool and flash your cash at a romanian girl and she will marry you, think again. Romanian girls are not shallow western girls.

     Economic hardship
   The past communist dictator of the country destroyed the economy of Romania. It was a poor country but is now raising from nothing. Romanian economy is quite good now, with textiles and IT leading the charge. I personally look to Romania to do business as the people there are bright and educated. I will not deny that some romanian girls have sold their bodies for money. Prostitution is an issue in Romania like it is in Dubai, or Istanbul or China. It is not a romanian women’s problem but a human issue. Americans women do this also, in fact think of the ridiculous the number of congressman and ‘VIPs” in the US that are caught in this. I am not saying prostitution is right or wrong. It is certainly wrong if you are married or the women are young, it is a sin. But some 24 year old romanian students, for example, might go to Istanbul, Turkey or Dubai, because women lack the self confidence that they can support themselves in other ways for their education. Romanian girls that are young are often naive and tempted into prostitution because of their economic situation. My take on this is if somewhere their ideals where lost, but with all people they can be restored. There is not much we can do about the past. But we can have redemption. Most people in Romania make about about 1000 Euro a month.  However, this has to be balanced with the fact things are very cheap. People will complain how pricey flats are, but compared to Boston or London, the whole country is a great place to live price wise.

What I know about romanian women

   If you understand how romanian women think will give you will have a better chance in having a meaningful relationship and maybe love with her. My thesis about Romania will surprise you. This is not a post on how to pick up girls. In fact, that is the problem. Any such post about romanian women or relationships and dating in general are lame. I think generalization and dating articles are many times by uninformed people writing for their blog. But I do not pretend to be an expert on people from Romania. Am I an expert on romanian girls? No, but I know a lot about Eastern Europeans as my family was and is Eastern European.
   A lot has been written about romanians on the web, both positive and negative. However, a lot of this is rooted in opinions rather than facts. Even people from Romania are partial and bias about their own society. They lose the objectivity, that a foreigner who studies the culture honestly might have. By the end of this post you will have information what other people do not take into account when they are trying to meet or chat with romanian women.

How to meet Romanian girls

   The most obvious way to meet romanian girls is to fly there. I would highly recommend it. I live in Eastern Europe. I flew here five years ago and I never went back to the USA.  If you visit Romania the girls you will meet will be 100 times better than the women you might meet in the USA, on the Internet or any other way. Leave a comment if you have a question about meeting romanian girls. I would highly recommend a trip to Romania to meet romanian girls.

Language of romanian girls

   Romanian can be understood by italians and italian by romanians. Romanian speakers are scattered across many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Israel, Russia, Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. This is because most of languages are a derivative of latin.
   English is spoken by any romanian girl under 30. Russian is also known.